PluginInstaller and CRDT

PluginInstaller simplifies the process of finding, installing, trying, and buying enhancements for desktop versions of Adobe Creative Cloud apps. It’s designed for both end-users and software developers.

For End-Users

  1. Download and install PluginInstaller from the link below.
  2. Safely and securely install scripts and extensions from third parties directly into your Adobe applications.

For Developers

PluginInstaller is part of the Creative Developer Tools (CRDT) system, serving as a unified installer and packager for your solutions.

Developers need to register twice: once as a regular user, and a second time as a developer. After the regular user registration, please switch PluginInstaller to developer mode, and go to the Accounts window to register the second account.

VERY IMPORTANT: When registering as a developer, part of the registration process will be to introduce yourself to us. After you’ve handled the first registration email, please watch out for a second email from someone Check your spam folder. You must reply to that email and introduce yourself. If you don’t reply the registration will not complete.

  • Package, protect, monetize, and track the usage of your ExtendScript or CEP panel.
  • Combines the features of ZXPSignCmd, JSXBIN, and ExtensionManager.
  • Support for UXP panels and C++ plugins coming soon.

CRDT and PluginInstaller are free for small developers. Contact us at for more information.